Joint field work of the B-Cluster projects nearly finished the sampling in the coastal transect and gathered additional data for the B projects and clusters.
A special highlight was the joint activity with Gobabeb as well as the support by John Irish participating in the field work. For the 200 km transect at the Namibian coast line more than 600 beetles (Brinckia debilis & Carchares macer) as well as > 300 plants (Zygophyllum clavatum) were collected in ten plots for joint population genetic analyses. Additional sampling of beetles, silverfish and plant populations outside the transect, such as Zygophyllum stapfii and Kissenia capensis a Nambian endemic supplement the B-cluster projects.
Photo 1: Participants of the joint field work (left to right): Julia Bechteler, Rosa-Stella Mbulu, Dietmar Quandt, Alvaro Zúñiga-Reinoso, & Reinhard Predel.
Photo 2: Joining forces with Gobabeb (left to right): Eugene Marais, Reinhard Predel, Gillian Maggs-Kölling & Alvaro Zúñiga-Reinoso.
Photo 3: Reinhard Predel and John Irish at the National Earth Sciences Museum Windhoek pointing at the general DFG & CRC information.
Photo 4: In the transect …...
Photo 5: John Irish collecting in the transect.
Photo 6: Beetle sampling at night in the transect.
Photo 7: Two of our target species: Brinckia debilis feeding on a flower of Zygophyllum clavatum.