Cluster Environment
- Project A4: Land-ocean coupling as driver of Atacama palaeoclimate
- Project B2: Defining the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert
- Project B7: Desert transcriptomics: assessing the genetic basis of adaptation to aridity in desert dwellers
- Project B8: Functional ecology and molecular evolution of anhydrobiotic species in extreme desert environments
- Project C7: Modelling the co-evolution of life and landforms
- Project D2: Dating of supergene minerals - Insights from Gypcrete, Silcrete, Calcrete and Supergene Copper Deposits into the evolution of aridity in the Atacama and Namib Deserts
- Project D3: Tracing and Dating the Role of Water Vapour in the Hyperarid Atacama and Namib Deserts from Miocene to Present with Novel Isotope Tools
Cluster Landscape
- Project A1: Quantifying the multi-scale water supply to the Atacama Desert impacting biology and landscape evolution
- Project B1: Biogeographic history of plant communities
- Project C2: Transport and deposition: Formation of alluvial fans and their geo-bio-archive function under hyperaridity – Integrating empiricism and landscape evolution modelling
- Project C5: Adaption of drainages to tectonic forcing
- Project C8: Landscapes in Transition - formation, degradation and regeneration of dust-desert landscapes
- Project D4: Reconstructing Holocene hydroclimate using Tillandsia dunes as archives
- Project L1: Mapping of Moisture-Driven Ecosystems using hyper- and multispectral VNIR/SWIR Imaging and SLAM LiDAR scannin
Cluster Critical Zone
- Project B4: Eat, sleep or die? Microbial activity, survival strategies and preservation in hyperarid deserts
- Project C4: ‘Gypsum desert’ & atmospheric deposition
- Project C9: Estimation of surface protection via microbial networks in saltand soil crusts in the Atacama Desert
- Project CZ2: Tracing the sources of water for life at the dry limit
Cluster Coordination & Support
- Project Z1: Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
- Project Z2: Data management and spatial analysis
- Project Z3: Ground based observations and experiments
- Project Z4: Analytical Service
- Project Z5: Integrated Research Training Group
- Project Z7: INSIDER – Interest in Science through Dialogue and Engagement with Research