IRTG Programm
The IRTG will complement the training provided by the local graduate schools with a range of project-specific, interdisciplinary and specialist topics (Table 1). Core parts of the Scientific Training Programme will be compulsory for all IRTG members (Table 2). The remainder will be elective, but every IRTG member must absolve at least 10 full days from the IRTG curriculum, including at least three Research Training Days (RTDs). Because the IRTG members will be based at different institutions most IRTG training events will be planned either in connection to other CRC meetings or retreats, or in a clustered manner.
Research training days (RTD). RTDs are a one-day format with intensive and hands-on training in small groups. RTDs will be offered by the PIs and experienced postdocs of the CRC. They are elective for the doctoral candidates, but the IRTG members will have to attend a minimum of three of them, to ensure that they gain insight and knowledge across the range of scientific subjects within the CRC.