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Short Course on Cosmogenic Nuclides as Dating Tool for the Geological Survey of Chile (Sernageomin)

On the 28th and 29th of June up to 15 scientists from the geological survey of Chile participated at an online short course about the use and application of cosmogenic nuclides for dating surfaces and terrestrial archives. Dr. Benedikt Ritter offered this course to our colleagues in Chile in the spirit of knowledge exchange between the CRC1211 and the geological service of Chile and to foster ongoing and future collaborations. During the two-day workshop, the participants learned the background knowledge about cosmogenic nuclides, their source, production and their application as dating tool.

The workshop was concluded with some talks by geologists from the Sernageomin about recent ongoing projects and the potential use of cosmogenic nuclides to answer important geological questions with a social background and necessity, such as landslide dating, neotectonic uplift, dating of ignimbrites or meteorite scoria material. Due to this short course and the subsequently discussion we will further extend and deepen our collaboration with the Sernageomin and the CRC1211 in the future.

Author: B.Ritter



Photo 1
Fig 1: Flyer Short Course by Dr. Benedikt Ritter.
Photo: Benedikt Ritter


Photo 1
Fig 2: The online course was conducted using Zoom to connect to our colleagues in Chile.
Photo: Benedikt Ritter


Photo 1
Fig 3: Participants from Chile.
Photo: Benedikt Ritter







Prof. Dr. Tony Reimann
Institute of Geography | University of Cologne
Zülpicher Str. 45 | 50674 Cologne
+49 (0)221 470-1724 | t.reimann@uni-koeln.de
  Managing Director:
Christian Tiede
Institute of Geology and Mineralogy | University of Cologne

Zülpicher Str. 49b | 50674 Cologne
+49 (0)221 470-89833 | christian.tiede@uni-koeln.de


Prof. Dr. Christine Heim
Institute of Geology and Mineralogy | University of Cologne

Zülpicher Str. 49a | 50674 Cologne
+49 (0)221 470-6818 | christine.heim@uni-koeln.de
  Scientific Coordinator:
Dr. Benedikt Ritter
Institute of Geology and Mineralogy | University of Cologne

Zülpicher Str. 49b | 50674 Cologne
+49 (0)221 470-89868 | benedikt.ritter@uni-koeln.de


Prof. Dr. Dietmar Quandt
Nees Institute for Biodiversity of Plants | University of Bonn

Meckenheimer Allee 170 | 53115 Bonn
+49 (0)228 73-3315 | quandt@uni-bonn.de
Tim Schlüter
Institute of Geography | University of Cologne

Otto-Fischer-Str. 4 | 50674 Cologne
+49 (0)221 470-3735 | webmaster@sfb1211.de
Uni Köln   Uni Bonn   Goethe Uni Frankfurt   GFZ
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