Members of the CRC 1211 subprojects C04 and D03 carried out another successful field trip in September 2018.
To better understand the atmospheric deposition of Sulfates and Nitrates in the Atacama Desert the subproject C04 measures the oxygen isotopic composition of these minerals. More than 150 sediment samples were taken consisting mainly of gypsum crusts, subsurface, and different Nitrates. Additionally, samples of Thenardite (Na2SO4) and Selenite (CaSO4 · 2 H2O) were taken.
Subproject D03 aims to develop a new proxy for paleo-humidity reconstruction using triple oxygen isotopes. The reliability of this proxy is tested in two recently active settings at the Salar de Llamara and the Salar de Huasco. During the campaign about 60 pond water samples were taken for additional isotope analysis. Further samples will be taken next March to investigate seasonal variations. Furthermore, the water vapour in the air was extracted at different locations for isotope analysis to get a better understanding of vapour sources in the Atacama Desert.
We would like to thank Prof. Guillermo Chong Díaz and Daniel Contreras from the Universidad Católica del Norte in Antofagasta for their support in the field and for sharing their knowledge. We are really looking forward to work with them again during the next campaign.
Swea Klipsch & Claudia Voigt