After 9 days of intense field work, we successfully finished our geophysical field survey at the key CRC research site - the clay pan PAR north of the Paranal observatories. As part of project A02 (V. Wennrich, M. Melles), an extensive large scale Transient Electromagnetic survey was conducted by the Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology of the UoC (B. Blanco, W. Mörbe, P. Yogeshwar, B. Tezkan). Our colleagues Daniel Diaz and Borja Farah from the University of Chile, Santiago de Chile joined this successful survey. First preliminary TEM results indicate a two channel system with a sedimentary sequence of roughly 150 m above bedrock. The 3D survey setup with ~110 soundings will provide a clear image of the 3D subsurface geometry with respect to the sedimentary infill, bedrock topography and possible deposition regimes down to a depth of 200 - 300 m.
Additional Magnetic measurements covered the complete central part of the clay pan. Two 8 km long NS and EW magnetic transects were measured from volcanic outcrops crossing the basin as well as a fault system blocking the central basin towards the west.
The geophysical results will significantly support the selection of optimal coring positions as well as the core interpretation and understanding of site genesis.
Prior to the geophysical field survey, we were invited by Daniel Diaz for a colloquium on electromagnetic exploration methods. Talks on actual geophysical research projects and state of the art of current developments for shallow to deep exploration were presented (see link below). The colloquium was well attended and followed by inspired and exciting discussions.